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Serpentine Street - A free audiobook by Jeffrey Lynn Stoddard

Serpentine Street - A free audiobook by Jeffrey Lynn Stoddard

In this podiobook: Boo Boisie is a patient in the Barmy Mental Asylum. Sure, the place is air conditioned and clean and the food is occasionally actually palatable, but Boo is not a happy camper. He is being haunted by many unanswered questions . Questions like: why can he not remember the reason for his incarceration? Or why was he given a roommate, Pullet, who acts like a chicken? Or why did they feel it necessary to paint the walls of the asylum with that damned green and white paint? Under the direction of his mental health director, Dr. Pernicious, Boo begins chronicling his thoughts in a daily diary to see if the locked-away memories of his past will return to answer some of his questions. The good news is that they do begin to return. Unfortunately, that is also the bad news. Read Boo's tale through his own words as he writes of his horrifying and thoroughly unbelievable visit to his Aunt Gertrude on Serpentine Street. It isn't a pretty picture. Then again, neither is Pullet after he's laid an egg in the corner of the room.
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