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More Lost Memories - A free audiobook by Teel McClanahan III

More Lost Memories - A free audiobook by Teel McClanahan III

In this podiobook: A collection of short stories, each connected to Forget What You Can't Remember by a minor character, a passing situation, or an unanswered question therein. While giving more depth and more details to the people and events of that novel, nine more narratives are revealed. Sex, pain, violence and zombies, tech support for a flying city, religious prophecies fulfilled, true love and lasting marriage, re-engineered doomsday devices, gourmet cannibalism, and a whole lot more. What happened to the two guys who were supposed to be running the zombie survival course? What would the experience of a mixed martial arts competition be like for someone with an amazing sense of smell? What are the stories behind Fantastician's other encounters? What about the details of Lance's restaurant? And, what did Brady work on after the stunning conclusion of the novel?Answers to all these questions, along with a story which further connects the events of Lost and Not Found with Forget What You Can't Remember by bringing the main characters of one book into the setting of the other, can be found in More Lost Memories. Delve deeper. Find out more. Enjoy.
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