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Tales from the Road with Rick Lavoie

Purnell Graduation

Tales from the Road with Rick Lavoie

For the past 30+ years, I have worked at residential schools for kids with special needs. This experience allowed me to have a "laboratory" wherein I could observe these kids on a 24-hour basis and monitor their academic and social lives. Over these decades I have developed countless field-tested strategies and methods to assist these special kids with their daily struggles. At this point in my career, my personal and professional mission is to share what I have learned with parents and professionals throughout the country. Since 2001, I have delivered seminars and provided consulting services in 25 states, New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong. I am greatly enjoying my travels and I have discovered something wonder-filled since I began these journeys... I am LEARNING as much as I am TEACHING! I constantly cross paths with extraordinary parents, professionals and pupils. There are some wonderful people and programs out there designed and dedicated to serve "our kids". So often -- as I fly back home from my latest engagement -- I wish that I could share their stories with all of you. Well, thanks to the latest Podcast technology, now I CAN !! On a regular basis I will share with you the stories of these kids... and the adults whose devoted efforts are helping them reach their fullest potential. You may never have the pleasure and the privilege to meet these folks but you should get to know them. They will inform and inspire you as they have informed and inspired me. Join me on my travels. Email me with your comments. We will learn much from each other.
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