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Pet Shop Talk

Pet Shop Talk

PET SHOP TALK is for the pet owner who wants only the best for their animals. Be sure your pet is getting the best nutrition, training and health care possible. Learn about new trends in the pet care industry with Lola Jean Michelin. She will talk shop with fellow experts from the fields of veterinary acupuncture, animal nutrition, wildlife rehabilitation and animal behavior, to name a few. Explore complimentary therapies such as massage, chiropractic, and hydrotherapy. Discover how you can learn many of these therapies yourself from animal communication to Shiatsu for your Shitzu. We will even showcase some of the top products available for you and your pets, from skin care to healing salves. Ask the experts your own pressing questions about your precious pets. Don't have pets? Tune in to hear why your friends' pets do the crazy things they do or ask the important questions before you add a pet to your family. PET SHOP TALK airs live Tuesdays at 5 PM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Variety.
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