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TOEIC® Practice with Ian Shen
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TOEIC® Practice with Ian Shen

If you're preparing for the TOEIC test, this podcast is for you! Or if you're just wanting to brush up on your listening skills, gives us a listen! The focus of this podcast will be on the Listening Section of the TOEIC test. Download the transcripts and answers from MSA's website at

[Note: TOEIC is a registered trademark of ETS. ETS has neither reviewed nor endorsed the content of this podcast.]

Mustard Seed Academy is located in Tokyo, Japan.

TOEIC受験をお考えの方に最適!もちろん英語リスニング強化にも役立ちます。英語専門校マスタードシードアカデミー (MSA) の国際部主任講師 イアン先生のレクチャーをお聴き下さい。問題文と解答は  マスタードシードアカデミーのウェブサイトよりダウンロードできます。
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