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September 2010: Pamidronate treatment and fracture rate in children with cerebral palsy
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SEPTEMBER 2010: Pamidronate treatment and fracture rate in children with cerebral palsy

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September 2010: Pamidronate treatment and fracture rate in children with cerebral palsy

The discussants are Dr Peter Baxter, Editor of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dr Steven Bachrach, the author of the article, and Dr Jay Shapiro. Dr Bachrach is co-director of the cerebral palsy program at the Department of Pediatrics, Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children and Nemours Children’s Clinic, Wilmington and also part of the pediatric faculty of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Dr Shapiro is the director of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Program at Kennedy Krieger Institute and also a Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.

Related article: Decreased fracture incidence after 1 year of pamidronate treatment in children with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy STEVEN J BACHRACH, HEIDI H KECSKEMETHY, H THEODORE HARCKE, JOBAYER HOSSAIN PDF:
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