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How To Crank Up The Heat On Your Cold Calls
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How To Crank Up The Heat On Your Cold Calls

Even though cold calling can be a valuable marketing tool just like any other, if it’s not done correctly, it can be a huge waste of time. So in this audio you’ll meet cold calling expert, Scott Chanel. Scott is going to tell you how to revamp your cold calling process so that you’re eliminating drudgery, spending less time on the phone, and landing more appointments.

And Scott knows what he’s talking about. Using his cold-calling techniques, he’s set more than 2,000 appointments with CEOs of large corporations. And according to him, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. The principles of effective cold calling apply everywhere.

Key Concepts From The Audio
* Why making too many phone calls is the biggest mistake you can make when cold calling - and how to calculate the perfect amount
* How conducting simple research and creating client profiles can help you weed through your phone lists and reduce rejection
* Why you need a contact manager, how to effectively use one and where to find the best (and cheapest)
* Why you always need to use a script when cold calling and how to create attention-grabbing ones that jump right to the point
* Why you should never start a phone conversation with "how are you doing" or "is this a good time" - and what you should be saying instead
* What to do if someone gives you the brush off and tells you "this isn’t a good time" or "why don’t you send me some information"
* How to leave effective voicemails - and avoid being just another deleted message
* Two essential things you can get from gatekeepers - and why you shouldn’t try to just get around them
* And much, much more

This hour-long audio is basically your comprehensive guide to productive cold calling. And you’ll easily be able to apply the concepts to your HMA practice because they work in any industry and every economy.

So if you’re having trouble cold calling or you just aren’t sure if you’re doing it right, this is the interview for you. Scott’s proven techniques have landed million-dollar accounts for his companies. And if you follow his advice, it won’t be long before you’re turning your cold calls into hot prospects.

This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff's
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