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Nwenna Kai | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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Nwenna Kai | Blog Talk Radio Feed

So Enlightening with Nwenna Kai is a show all about Nwenna Kai's approach to life. Nwenna Kai believes there is a guru inside of All of Us waiting to master him or herself and act on its mastery. It is our "Awakened Prosperity Consciousness". She brings this idea to life through her uncanny off-the-beaten road, enlightening, casual march-to-your-own-drum chats with various people of ALL walks of life. Her guests include the planet's most innovative astrologists, thinkers, writers, artists, filmmakers, healers, health enthusiasts, spiritual leaders, and financial gurus! Nwenna Kai's approach to living is to master sustainability and authenticity in every aspect our OUR LIVES from our finances, our family life, our spiritual life, to the way we work and do business, the way we live, our transportation means, to the way we love, practice peace, receive joy, and to the way we seek and practice enlightenment.
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