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Job Recruiting and Social Media: Is Social Recruiting Really as Advertised?

Social media should be an invaluable asset to a job seeker. At least that is the case if what we read is true. There are many stories of people landing a dream job with little more than a tweet on Twitter. Others will say it was their really great connections on LinkedIn, or friends who helped them spread their word on Facebook.
We've all surely heard that recruiters rely heavily on the use of social media for filling positions. It's why we take down all of the party pics on Facebook, and stop beating our chest about politics or religion on Twitter. Those recruiters are watching. Right?
According to some people, recruiters and hiring managers are filling their quotas with the use of what they call "social recruiting", but is it actually the way they're telling it? Is social recruiting really the way jobs are being filled? I know what they're saying, but I see something very different in what they're actually doing.
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