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Hard Lessons I Learned About Marketing and Success

Some people say that you can learn a lot from successful people. I think it is largely true, too. It makes more sense to learn from somebody who has been successful than to learn from somebody who has not. At the same time, one thing that becomes very valuable is to learn from the mistakes they made, and use those things to avoid repeating their mistakes.
Some would say that I took a bit of an uncommon direction to learning about marketing. I dropped out of school at 15, regularly held 2-3 jobs as I built my first few companies, and nearly worked myself to death by the time I was 25. It sounds glamorous, doesn't it?
My career path would certainly not be comfortable for most people, and I would never encourage it for my own children or anybody I love, but it worked for me. I read a lot of books, and I studied a lot of concepts from successful people. They were often people I knew first hand, and there were many instances when I should have listened more carefully. Since I was stubborn, I still had to learn some things the hard way, by making my own mistakes.
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