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Vision: If You Don’t Have it, You Can’t See It!

If it ever seems you've tried "everything" and it is not working out the way you planned, there is probably a good reason. A very common cause for a plan to fail is lack of planning.
Consider something as complex as a space ship for a moment. Space ships don't always launch as planned, but they have an overall good record, considering their challenges. That's because of careful planning. It has to begin somewhere, and it begins with a vision.
It is more than a coincidence that most successful companies have a vision statement. Those visions can change, but there should always be a vision. Vision is what guides people and keeps them on the right path to achievements.
You have undoubtedly heard somebody express the importance of setting goals and envisioning the outcome you want. It can sometimes sound far-fetched, and even a bit hokey. If you reverse-engineer this notion of having vision, the reality may not be as you expected.
The post Vision: If You Don’t Have it, You Can’t See It! appeared first on SEO and Social Media Marketing by Mark Murnahan.
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